Sunday, 8 June 2014

PDF⋙ Pervasive Games: Theory and Design (Morgan Kaufmann Game Design Books) by Annika Waern

Pervasive Games: Theory and Design (Morgan Kaufmann Game Design Books) by Annika Waern

Pervasive Games: Theory and Design (Morgan Kaufmann Game Design Books)

Pervasive Games: Theory and Design (Morgan Kaufmann Game Design Books) by Annika Waern PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Emerging quickly from the fast-paced growth of mobile communications and wireless technologies, pervasive games provide a worldwide network of potential play spaces. Now games can be designed to be played in public spaces like conferences, museums, communities, cities, buildings or other non-traditional game venues...and game designers need to understand the medium (challenges and otherwise).

This book shows game designers how to change the face of play - literally - who plays, when and where they play and what that play means to all involved. Montola and Stenros explore a number of aspects of pervasive games for game designers: what makes them compelling, what makes them possible today, how they are made, by whom, theoretical and philosophical reasons behind the designs for game designers.

"Pervasive Games" covers everything from theory to design, history and marketing. Designers will find 12 detailed game descriptions, a wealth of design theory, examples from dozens of games and a through discussion on past inspirations - directly from the game designers themselves.

--Clear, illustrated set of "how it works" descriptions demystify pervasive games for game designers - so that they can learn how to engage players real-time experiences beyond the card table or computer screen.

--Includes 12 case studies with illustrative and inspiring examples that make the entire design space tangible.

--Explores what makes pervasive games compelling, how they are made, and by whom. Covers in-depth theoretical and philosophical background for designers - creates a springboard for creation of their own designs.

--Provides practical design tips, pitfalls, design problems from real-games, and solutions from pervasive game design luminaries (including Matt Adams, Frank Lantz, and other top designers in the field.)

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