Michael Colgrass: Adventures of an American Composer by Michael Colgrass
Michael Colgrass: Adventures of an American Composer by Michael Colgrass PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this delightful collection of anecdotes, Michael Colgrass invites the reader into his private encounters with Igor Stravinsky, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, Dizzy Gillespie, and a host of other key figures in American music. Maverick to the core, Colgrass also writes about romancing a Cold War spy in Bucharest, composing a ballet overnight for the Joffrey Ballet, and playing a gig for a stripper that landed him a job in West Side Story. His anecdotes - often humorous and profound - describe a pivotal era in American music that shaped this Pulitzer Prize-winning composer. A "must read" for music lovers.From reader reviews:
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