Saturday, 13 February 2016

PDF⋙ Domestic Violence: Intersectionality and Culturally Competent Practice (Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series)

Domestic Violence: Intersectionality and Culturally Competent Practice (Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series)

Domestic Violence: Intersectionality and Culturally Competent Practice (Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series)

Domestic Violence: Intersectionality and Culturally Competent Practice (Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Domestic Violence: Intersectionality and Culturally Competent Practice, experts working with twelve unique groups of domestic abuse survivors provide the latest research on their populations and use a case study approach to demonstrate culturally sensitive intervention strategies. Chapters focus on African Americans, Native Americans, Latinas, Asian and Pacific Island communities, persons with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, women in later life, LGBT survivors, and military families. They address domestic violence in rural environments and among teens, as well as the role of religion in shaping attitudes and behavior.

Lettie L. Lockhart and Fran S. Danis are editors of the Council of Social Work Education's popular teaching modules on domestic violence and founding co-chairs of the CSWE symposium on violence against women and children. In their introduction, they provide a thorough overview of intersectionality, culturally competent practice, and domestic violence and basic practice strategies, such as universal screening, risk assessment, and safety planning. They follow with collaborative chapters on specific populations demonstrating the value of generalist social work practice, including developing respectful relationships that define issues from the survivor's perspective; collecting and assessing data; setting goals and contracting; identifying culturally specific interventions; implementing culturally appropriate courses of action; participating in community-level strategies; and advocating for improved policies and funding at local, state, and federal levels. Featuring resources applicable to both practitioners and clients, Domestic Violence forms an effective tool for analysis and action.

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