Friday, 6 February 2015

PDF⋙ Card-Making Techniques from A to Z by Jeanette Robertson

Card-Making Techniques from A to Z by Jeanette Robertson

Card-Making Techniques from A to Z

Card-Making Techniques from A to Z by Jeanette Robertson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From dimensional appliqué to lively, eye-catching zig-zag designs, these greeting card techniques will delight the creative crafter in search of inspiration. It’s not a collection of projects, but an encyclopedia chock-full of fabulous ideas that card makers can use in whatever way they want, for whatever type of card they need. There’s so much to select from: fast, easy, and elegant die-cut cards; foam cutouts posted on colorful patterned papers; lacy greetings that incorporate doilies; and even sparkling, bejeweled ones. In addition to all the basics on tools, there’s information on choosing cardstock, selecting pretty embellishments, and making personalized envelopes.

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